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Metrics, Connection status, Debug events and Logs

For debugging and observability Faxe exposes internal metric as well as connection status events. Furthermore, every running flow can emit debugging and log events.

All these events can be published to a mqtt broker.

Topics and routing keys

Topics for the mqtt emitters can be prefixed with the config-value base_topic (see config). Note: MQTT topics should not start with a / character.

type topic base_topic default
metrics per node {base_topic}/metrics/{flow_id}/{node_id}/{metric_name} sys/
metrics per flow {base_topic}/metrics/{flow_id} sys/
conn_status {base_topic}/conn_status/{flow_id}/{node_id} sys/
debug per node {base_topic}/debug/{flow_id}/{node_id}/{debug_type} sys/
logs per node {base_topic}/log/{flow_id}/{node_id} sys/

Node Metrics

Faxe will collect and periodically emit various metrics to configurable endpoints. Metrics are collected for each individual node and a summery for whole tasks.

These are the metrics that will be collected for every node running in a task:

metric name description metric fields
items_in number of items a node received from other nodes or over the network
items_out number of items a node emitted to other nodes or over some network connection
processing_errors the number of errors that occurred during processing
mem_used memory usage in bytes
msg_q_size number of items currently in the node-process' message-queue
processing_time time in milliseconds it took the node to process 1 item

Nodes that start a network connection have additional metrics (such as the modbus, s7read, mqtt, ... - nodes):

metric name description metric fields
bytes_read the number of bytes read from a network port see meter
bytes_read_size the size of packets read or received from a network port in bytes see histogram
bytes_sent the number of bytes send over the network see meter
bytes_sent_size the size of packets sent over a network port in bytes see histogram


some metric example datapoints in json-format


Common fields

field name meaning
data.type the metric type, see table below
data.node_id the nodes id
data.flow_id id of the flow, the node belongs to

Fields by metrics-type

metric-type field meaning
counter counter total counted number
meter instant number of occurrences in the last 5 sec
meter one 1 min exponentially weighted moving average
meter five 5 min exponentially weighted moving average
meter fifteen 15 min exponentially weighted moving average
meter count total number
gauge gauge point-in-time single value
histogram mean mean value
histogram min minimum value
histogram max maximum value
histogram n number of values

Flow Metrics

For every task there is a summary of the node metrics:

  "ts": 1631557230000,
  "processing_time": 0.088,
  "processing_errors": 0,
  "msg_q_size": 0,
  "mem_used": 17768,
  "items_out": 60,
  "items_in": 60,
  "bytes_sent_avg": 123,
  "bytes_sent": 24.6,
  "bytes_read_avg": 104,
  "bytes_read": 20.8,
  "flow_id": "http_get_test"

Fields in flow metrics

metric name description note
processing_time average processing time for the flow in milliseconds
processing_errors sum of errors for all flow nodes
msg_q_size total number of items currently in process-queues for all flow nodes
mem_used total number of bytes the flow and all of its nodes are currently using
items_out maximum of all nodes' items_out value
items_in maximum of all nodes' items_in value
bytes_sent_avg sum of bytes sent over the network for all nodes in the flow
bytes_sent sum of the 5-minute exponential moving averages from all nodes' bytes_sent metrics
bytes_read_avg sum of bytes received from the network for all nodes in the flow
bytes_read sum of the 5-minute exponential moving averages from all nodes' bytes_read metrics


With the configuration setting metrics.handler.mqtt.enable you can turn on/off publishing of metrics for a faxe instance. If this setting is set to on flow metrics get published with the interval set with metrics.publish_interval.

To additionally enable publishing of single node metrics for a faxe flow, use the RestAPI endpoint /v1/task/start_metrics_trace/:task_id/[:duration_minutes].

duration_minutes defaults to the config setting debug.time.

Publish metrics events

Faxe has 2 different metrics-handlers that can be configured. MQTT and AMQP metrics emitter. See config section for details.

Use metrics in tasks

Faxe's internal metrics can be used in tasks(flows) with the metrics node.

Connection status

Faxe tracks the status of every external connection it opens and exposes events. These events can be used in tasks with the conn_status node.

They can also be sent to a mqtt and/or amqp broker.


connecting to an mqtt-broker on ip and port 2883 ...


connected to the mqtt-broker


The connection status is represented by the boolean value connected and an enum status.

connected status meaning
false 0 not connected
false 2 connecting
true 1 connected


Publish connection status events

As stated above, FAXE has 2 different conn_status-handlers that can be configured : See config section for details.

Debug and Logs

For debugging purposes faxe flows can expose events on items going in and out of every node in a flow. Like with metrics and conn_status events, these events can be published to a mqtt/amqp broker. Debug and Log events must be started explicitly, and they will be published for a certain configurable amount of time.

To enable publishing of debug events for a faxe flow, use the RestAPI endpoint /v1/task/start_debug/:task_id/[:duration_minutes]. duration_minutes defaults to the config setting debug.time.

(This is for debugging purposes).

See config section for details.

Example debug data item:


Example log

            "message":"'error' in component esp_eval caught when processing item: 
            {1,{data_point,1595317823813,#{<<\"esp_avg\">> => 6.0685635225505425,
                <<\"factored\">> => 3.0342817612752713},#{},<<>>}} -- \"\\n    
                gen_server:try_dispatch/4 line 637\\n    df_component:handle_info/2 line 314\\n    
                esp_eval:process/3 line 39\\n    esp_eval:eval/4 line 44\\n    lists:foldl/3 line 1263\\n    
                esp_eval:'-eval/4-fun-0-'/4 line 47\\n    faxe_lambda:execute/3 line 34\\n    
                erlang:'/'(undefined, 2)\\nEXIT:badarith\"","level":"error","flow_id":"script5"}}

A data_point caused an error in an eval node.