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The case node

Evaluates a series of lambda expressions in a top down manner.

  • The node will output / add the corresponding value of the first lambda expression that evaluates as true.
  • If none of the lambda expressions evaluate as true, a default value will be used

The case node works in a similar way CASE expressions in SQL work.


    lambda: "" == 'OK',
    lambda: "" == 'Warning',
    lambda: "" == 'Error'
    '{"cond": "Everything OK!"}',
    '{"cond": "Oh, oh, a Warning!"}',
    '{"cond": "Damn, Error!"}'
.default('{"cond": "Nothing matched!!!"}')


Parameter Description Default
[node] lambdas( lambda_list ) list of lambda expressions
values( string_list\|text_list ) corresponding values
json( is_set ) if set, will treat the values and default parameters as json strings false, not set
as (string) field-path for the output value
default(any) default value to use, if no case clause matches