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The http_listen node

Since 0.16.0

The http_listen node provides an http endpoint, that is listening for incoming data via POST or PUT.


Status Description Body
200 OK OK json : {"success": "true"}
401 Unauthorized BasicAuth was defined with user and pass options, but Authorization header not present or has wrong value.
405 Method not allowed Http method other than OPTIONS, POST or PUT used.
415 Unsupported Media Type Body is missing or wrong content-type is used.

Example 1


Will set up an http endpoint, waiting for data coming in on port 8899 and path '/' and as application/json data. The body will be interpreted as json and inserted with the root-object 'data' in the resulting data-point.

Example 2


Will set up an https endpoint, waiting for data coming in on port 8899 and with path '/SInterface/MaintenanceInterface_SaveMaintenanceAlert' and as application/x-www-form-urlencoded data.

Every field in this urlencoded body will be interpreted as a json string. For example: if there is a field called alert_type in the incoming body with a value of: {"id": 0, "name": "notice"}, there will be a field data.http_res.alert_type in the resulting data-item:

{"ts": 1629812164152, 
      {"alert_type":  {"id": 0, "name": "notice"}}

Example 3


Will set up an http (no tls) endpoint, listening on port 8898 and path '/'. The body of the message will be interpreted as a json string. The resulting data-structure will be set under data.http_res in the resulting data-item.

Example: Raw body value: {"id": 2233, "name": "takahashu", "mode": 123}.

Resulting data-point in json format:

{"ts": 1629812164152, 
      {"id": 2233, "name": "takahashu", "mode": 123}


Parameter Description Default
port( integer ) port to listen on 8899
tls( is_set ) whether to use tls (https), For ssl options used (tls version, ciphers suites, etc.) see faxe's http API config false (not set)
path( string ) URI path of the http endpoint '/'
payload_type( string ) how to interpret incoming data, valid values: 'plain' or 'json' 'plain'
content_type( string ) how the message-body will be interpreted, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'text/plain', 'application/json' 'application/json'
as( string ) base path for resulting data-items, if not given and content_type is text/plain or application/json, 'data' is the default value undefined / 'data'
user( string ) If given, BasicAuth Authorization is to be used in requests to this endpoint. undefined
pass( string ) If user is given, pass must be given also. undefined