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The deadman node

Emits a point, if there is no item coming in for the given amount of time. For output there are two options:

  • If repeat_last param is set, the node will output the last message it saw incoming as the dead-message, if there is no last message yet, an empty message will be emitted
  • With fields and field_values a list of values can be provided to be included in the output.

  • If no fields (and field_values) parameter and is given, an empty datapoint will be emitted.

  • The repeat_last parameter will always override the fields and field_values parameter
  • The node will forward every message it gets by default, this can be changed by using the no_forward flag



Outputs an empty data-point item, if the node does not see any items coming in withing 15 seconds, while simply forwarding any item it gets. The first timeout starts, when the node is starting.

def interval = 15s 


Outputs every item as a passthrough and, if no item is seen within 15 seconds, outputs the last item with a new timestamp, that is derived from the last iteration and increased by interval (15s).


Parameter Description Default
[node] timeout( duration ) timeout value for the node
fields( string_list ) undefined
field_values (string_list) undefined
repeat_last( is_set) whether to output the last value seen false, not set
no_forward( is_set) whether to output every message that comes in (pass through) false, not set
repeat_with_new_ts ( bool ) when repeating an item, set the current timestamp to that item before emitting true
repeat_interval ( duration ) when repeating an item, adds this amount of time to a buffered timestamp (from the last item seen, or from the last addition of this interval) to genereate a new timestamp for the repeated item, this setting is independent of repeat_with_new_ts and takes precedence over it undefined