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The collect node

Since 0.15.2

The collect node will maintain a set of data-points based on some criteria given as lambda-expressions. It will normally output a data_batch item regularily (when emit_every is given) or based on every incoming item.

The internal collection is a key-value set with unqiue values for the keys, taken from the key_fields. [{Key, DataPoint}]

Although it should be straight forward, the behaviour of this node can get quite complex and a bit hard to understand, depending on the options given. If you just want to collect and hold a bunch of values for certain fields, take a look at the collect_fields node, it may be better suited for your needs.

Adding, updating and removing a value

With every incoming data-item the node will first check, if there is already an item with the same key-field value in the collection. If this is not the case, the node will evaluate the add function, if given. Data_points that do not have (any of) the key-field(s) present, will be ignored.

An item will be added to the collection if the key is new to the collection and if the add-function

  • returns true
  • is not given

If there is already an item with the same value(s) for the key-field(s), the node would check, if there is an update function and evaluate it and if no update happend, it will try to evaluate the remove function.

If an update happened, the node will skip evaluating the remove function.

If no remove function is given, data-items will not be removed, but only evicted by the max_age and/or the max_ts_age option.

Update and remove expression

In the update or remove lambda-expressions, the datapoint, that is already in the collection, can be used, for comparing for example. That is to say: When the update or remove function is evaluated, it gets injected the data-point for the same key-field value, that is found in the collection. There is a root-object used for the fields in this datapoint: __state.

What this means is, that you can do something like this in the update expression (see also Example 3 below)


%% comparing the current value of 'val' to the value from the data-point currently in the collection
%% here we use the value from the internal buffer that is found in the '__state' object.
.update(lambda: "data.val" > "") 


When no emit_every is given, the node will output data with every incoming data-item.

With emit_unchanged set to false, output will only happen after processing a data-item that has changed the internal set.

data_batch items are processed as a whole first and then may trigger an emit operation.

Since 0.19.4 : The output batch can be conflated into a single data_point item, when the merge option is set to true.

Note: Produced data may become very large, if the value of key_fields is ever-changing, so that the node will cache a lot of data and therefore may use a lot of memory, be aware of that !

Example 1


Collect by the field data.code keeping every data-item for 2 minutes. No update or remove will occur otherwise.

Example 2

.update(lambda: "data.mode" == 1) 
.remove(lambda: str_length("data.message") > 7)

Collect by the field data.code, update an item when the data.mode field is 1.

Items get removed, if they have a value for data.message, that is more than 7 chars long.

Example 3

%% input data ->

    '{"id": 224, "name" : "twotwofour", "val": 12, "mode": 1}',
    '{"id": 112, "name" : "oneonetow", "val": 11, "mode": 1}',
    '{"id": 358, "name" : "threefiveeigth", "val": 7, "mode": 1}',
    '{"id": 102, "name" : "onezerotwo", "val": 12, "mode": 1}',
    '{"id": 224, "name" : "twotwofour", "val": 13, "mode": 1}',
    '{"id": 112, "name" : "oneonetow", "val": 9, "mode": 1}',
    '{"id": 358, "name" : "threefiveeigth", "val": 4, "mode": 1}',
    '{"id": 102, "name" : "onezerotow", "val": 2, "mode": 1}',

        '{"id": 224, "name" : "twotwofour", "val": 3, "mode": 1}',
        '{"id": 112, "name" : "oneonetow", "val": 15, "mode": 1}',
        '{"id": 358, "name" : "threefiveeigth", "val": 22, "mode": 1}',
        '{"id": 102, "name" : "onezerotwo", "val": 9, "mode": 1}',

        '{"id": 224, "name" : "twotwofour", "val": 0, "mode": 0}',
        '{"id": 112, "name" : "oneonetow", "val": 0, "mode": 0}',
        '{"id": 358, "name" : "threefiveeigth", "val": 0, "mode": 0}',
        '{"id": 102, "name" : "onezerotow", "val": 0, "mode": 0}'


.keep('', 'data.val')
.update(lambda: "data.val" > "")
.remove(lambda: "data.mode" == 0)

Collect the max value of data.val for every different value. Note the use of the '__state' prefix for previous value, that can be used in the update expression.

Example 4

%% input data ->

'{"code" : {"id": 224, "name" : "224"}, "message": " a test", "mode": 1}',
'{"code" : {"id": 334, "name" : "334"}, "message": " another test", "mode": 1}',
'{"code" : {"id": 114, "name" : "114"}, "message": " another test", "mode": 2}',
'{"code" : {"id": 443, "name" : "443"}, "message": " another test", "mode": 1}', 
'{"code" : {"id": 111, "name" : "111"}, "message": " another test", "mode": 1}',
'{"code" : {"id": 443, "name" : "443"}, "message": " another test", "mode": 0}',
'{"code" : {"id": 224, "name" : "224"}, "message": " another test", "mode": 0}',
'{"code" : {"id": 111, "name" : "111"}, "message": " another test", "mode": 0}',
'{"code" : {"id": 334, "name" : "334"}, "message": " another test", "mode": 0}',
'{"code" : {"id": 551, "name" : "551"}, "message": " another test", "mode": 2}',
'{"code" : {"id": 551, "name" : "551"}, "message": " another test", "mode": 0}'

%% collect 2 fields ('data.code' and 'data.message') 
%% with the key-field 'data.code'.
%% this node will output a data_batch item with a list of data-points
%% where the original timestamp and meta-data is preserved and
%% containing the fields mentioned before every 10 secondes

%% the collect node will build an internal buffer 
%% with the value of the 'key_field' as index
%% criterion for adding a data-point to the internal collection buffer
.add(lambda: "data.mode" > 0)
%% criterion for removal of values
.remove(lambda: "data.mode" == 0)
%% we keep these fields in the resulting data_batch
.keep('data.code', 'data.message') 

%% make sense of the data-collection in counting the 'data.code' values



Parameter Description Default
key_fields(string) The value of the key-field will be used as an index for the collection.
add(lambda) Criterion for adding an incoming point to the collection, must return a boolean value. Will always add, if not given. undefined
remove(lambda) Criterion for removing a point from the collection, must return a boolen value. undefined
update(lambda| boolean) Criterion for updating a data_point in the collection, must return a boolen value. If not given, no updating will occur. Reference the current value with __state. If true, will always update. false
update_mode(string) replace, merge, merge_reverse. When updating, an existing point in the collection can be replaced by or merged with the new one. With merge_reverse data_point positions for the merge operation get flipped, so that the existing point is merged onto the new data_point. 'replace'
tag_added(boolean) When set to true, emitted data_points that have been added since the last emit will have a field called added with the value of tag_value false
tag_value(any) Value to be use for tag fields (added, removed) 1
include_removed(boolean) When set to true, data_points that would normally be removed from the collection will get a field called removed with the value of tag_value and are included in the next data-batch emit false
keep(string_list) If given, these field will be kept from every data-point, if not given, the whole item will be kept. undefined
keep_as(string_list) Rename fields that are kept (must have the same number of entries as keep). undefined
emit_unchanged (boolean) When set to false, processing of a data-item that does not result in a change to the collection, will not trigger an output of data. true
emit_every (duration) Interval at which to emit the current collection as a data_batch item. If not given, every data-item (point or batch) will trigger an output (based on the value of emit_unchanged). undefined
max_age(duration) Maximum age for any data-item in the collection, before it gets removed. Reference time for item age is the time the item entered the collection. 3h
max_ts_age(duration) Maximum age for any data-item in the collection, before it gets removed. Reference time for item age is the timestamp within the item. 3h
merge(boolean) Whether to condense the output data_batch into a single data_point item by merging them. false