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The crate_query_cont node

since 0.19.0

Query the CRATE database for time series data.

This node is used for continous timeseries queries.


A select statement will be executed periodically, on every iteration a timefilter gets adjusted according to the period parameter. For this to work, the query given must contain the $__timefilter placeholder in the query's where clause:

Queries must start with the keyword select/SELECT or with/WITH and must contain the keyword from/FROM to be valid.

 def query = 
    SELECT ts, id, temp1 FROM doc.table 
    WHERE $__timefilter 
    AND stream_id = 'dd419f94834a'

The timefilter placeholder gets replaced by this statement:

ts >= $1 AND ts < $2


The start parameter determines the query start time. It's value is a past point in time.

There are two possible ways to provide this:

  • provide an ISO8601 Datetimestamp, ie: '2021-11-16T17:15:00.000Z'
  • provide a query that results in 1 row with exactly 1 column named 'ts' containing an ISO8601 Datetimestamp.
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(ts) FROM table WHERE worked_on = false ORDER BY ts LIMIT 1

or with a fallback start-time

    (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(ts) FROM table WHERE worked_on = false ORDER BY ts LIMIT 1),
AS ts

Historic and up-to-date data

While reading data from the past, min_interval will be used to schedule the operation.

Once the timefilter reaches present wall-clock time, the offset parameter will determine an amount of time to add to the scheduled time, that is now period. This is to account for late incoming data to the database.


def period = 1m
def sql = 
'SELECT ts, id, temp1 FROM doc.table 
 WHERE $__timefilter AND stream_id = 'dd419f94834a'


The above example will execute the query periodically, emitting data_batch items with data_points worth of 1 minute.

start will be aligned to period, so that the timefilter will look like this for the first query:

ts >= '2021-11-16T16:03:00.000Z' AND ts < '2021-11-16T16:04:00.000Z'


Parameter Description Default
host( string ) CrateDB host config:
port( integer ) CrateDB port config: crate.port/FAXE_CRATE_PORT
tls( boolean ) whether to use tls config: crate.tls.enable/FAXE_CRATE_TLS_ENABLE
user( string ) username config: crate.user/FAXE_CRATE_USER
pass( string ) password config: crate.pass/FAXE_CRATE_PASS
database( string ) Database name config: crate.database/FAXE_CRATE_DATABASE
query( string ) 'SELECT' query with $__timefilter placeholder
start( string ) timefilter start point .ISO8601 datetime string or query that retrieves an ISO8601 datetime string from the database
stop( string ) timefilter stop point .ISO8601 datetime string or query that retrieves an ISO8601 datetime string from the database undefined
stop_flow( boolean ) Whether to stop the whole flow, this node runs in, when stop time is reached. If this is false, then the node will just stop querying the database. true
filter_time_field( string ) name of timestamp db column, used for timefiler 'ts'
result_time_field( string ) name of result column, used for retrieving timestamps defaults to filter_time_field
period( duration ) timefilter timespan, query boundaries will be aligned to this value 1h
offset( duration ) offset at which the database is queried when the timefilter reached 'now' time 20s
min_interval( duration ) minimum query-interval when the timefilter is in the past 5s
extended_log( boolean ) Whether to switch on extended logging for this node config: node.crate_query_cont.extended_log/FAXE_NODE_CRATE_QUERY_CONT_EXTENDED_LOG