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The if node

Simple if-then-else logic.

Note: If you want to filter data-items from a stream of data, use the where node.

Almost everything you can do with this node, can also be done with an eval node, using the if function.


      '{"address": "", "value": 99}',
      '{"address": "cond_scale", "value": 94}',
      '{"address": "cond_robot", "value": 95}'

|if(lambda: "data.address" == '')
.then('address is empty')
.else(lambda: str_concat('address is data.address and value is ', string("data.value")))

The if node adds a new field data.note with either the string 'address is empty' or, if the address is not empty, a string with the address and the value of the field data.value.

If we would remove the else parameter in the example, every data-item for which the if test returns false, would not get the field data.note added (and simply left untouched on emit).


Parameter Description Default
[node] test( lambda ) if test lambda
then( any ) value when test evaluates as TRUE, any type including a lambda expression is valid
else( any ) value when test evaluates as FALSE, any type including a lambda expression is valid undefined
as (string) field-path for the output value