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The collect_unique node


With this node we can collect a unique set of values from data_points based on a given field's value.

For every different value of the key-field, the node will cache the last data_point with that value.

This node is useful, if you have multiple data-streams - all share a field called the key-field - that you want to condense into one data_point, according to that key-field's value; One can think of it as sort of an "un-group" function.

Note: This node produces a completely new data_point.

Given the name of a key-field, this node collects data_points using the value of this field to group and cache every data_point. Once the min_vals count of unique values is reached in internal buffer, it starts emitting every change within this set of values.

New data_points, which have the same value for the key-field as seen before, will overwrite old values.

Data_points that do not have the key-field present, will be ignored. On output, the node will condense the collected data_points into one, where all the data_points' fields are grouped by the value of the key-field.

Note: The number of uniquely collected values will grow, but never shrink (at the moment).

Also note: Produced data may become very large, if the value of the key-field is ever-changing, so that the node will cache a lot of data and therefore may use a lot of memory, be aware of that !


.keep('data.values.node_id', 'data.values.request_ref')
.as('node_id', 'request_ref')

In the above example the node will collect the fields: "data.values.node_id" and "data.values.request_ref" from every data_point that has a field called "data.key_field". As soon as it has collected 5 different values for "data.key_field" it will emit those collected values as a new data_point with the two fields called "node_id" and "request_ref".


Parameter Description Default
[node] field( string ) path to the key-field
min_vals( integer ) number of different items collected before first output starts 1
keep( string_list ) values to keep from every data_point
as( string_list ) output names for the keep values []
max_age ( duration ) max age for every collected entry undefined