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The python node

deprecated since vsn 1.0.0, see custom_nodes.

Rules for python callback classes:

  • Callback class must be in a module with the lowercase name of the class ie: module: "double", class: "Double"
  • python callback class must be a subclass of the class Faxe from module faxe
  • 'abstract' methods to implement are (note: they are all optional):
    • options() -> return a list of tuples // static
    • init(self, args) -> gets the object and a dict with args from options()
    • handle_point(self, point_data) -> point_data is a dict
    • handle_batch(self, batch_data) -> batch_data is a list of dicts (points)
  • the callbacks need not return anything except for the options method
  • to emit data the method self.emit(data) has to be used, where data is a dict or a list of dicts
  • All fields of data-item going in and out of a custom python node are placed under the root-object data.

A custom python node is used with an @ as node sign instead of | in dfs!



Parameters can be freely defined by the python callback class via the static options() method (See example below). Note that parameter definition must be in python's bytes type.

Example Callback

The example python callback class below defined 2 Parameters:

  • field must be a string and has no default value (so it must be given)
  • as must be a string and has the default value 'double'
from faxe import Faxe

class Double(Faxe):

    def options():
        overwrite this method to request options you would like to use

        return value is a list of tuples: (option_name, option_type, (optional: default type))
        a two tuple: (b"foo", b"string") with no default value is mandatory in the dfs script
        a three tuple: (b"foo", b"string", b"mystring") may be overwritten in a dfs script

        :return: list of tuples
        opts = [
            (b'field', b'string'),
            (b'as', b'string', b'double')
        return opts

    def init(self, args):
        will be called on startup with args requested with options()
        :param args: dict
        self.fieldname = args[b'field']
        self.asfieldname = args[b'as']
        print("my args: ", args)

    def handle_point(self, point_data):
        called when a data_point comes in to this node
        :param point_data: dict

    def handle_batch(self, batch_data):
        called when a data_batch comes in
        :param batch_data: list of dicts
        out_list = list()
        for point in batch_data:

    def calc(self, point_dict):
        point_dict[self.asfieldname] = point_dict[self.fieldname] * 2
        return point_dict

Use in a dfs script:
