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The crate_out node

Write data to CrateDB.

Sends data to a CRATE DB HTTP endpoint using Crate's HTTP Api. If any errors occur during the request, the node will attempt to retry sending.

Note: This node is a sink node and does not output any flow-data, therefore any node connected to this node will not get any data.

Since vs. 1.0.13:

If db_fields and faxe_fields are not given, the node now tries to find the table structure on its own, by querying the destination table. In this mode, the remaining_fields_as parameter will be ignored. For this feature a separate connection to CrateDB is used, which gets its default connection parameters from config settings regarding the postgre protocol of CrateDB.


def db_table = 'grip_log_fulltext3'
def db_fields = ['id', 'df', 'vs', 'topic']
def faxe_fields = ['id', 'df', 'vs', 'topic']


Inserts the faxe-fields id, df, vs, topic into the db-fields with the same names and all remaining fields into the db-field named data_obj (which is of type 'OBJECT') in the table grip_log_fulltext3 .

Note: The timestamp field ts will always be written.

def db_table = 'grip_log_fulltext3' 


Since vs. 1.0.13 The node derives the list of fields (faxe and db) by querying the schema for the given table. In this example schema (database) 'test' is used.


Parameter Description Default
host( string ) hostname or ip address of endpoint config:
port( integer ) port number config: crate_http.port/FAXE_CRATE_HTTP_PORT
user( string ) username config: crate_http.user/FAXE_CRATE_HTTP_USER
pass( string ) password config: crate_http.pass/FAXE_CRATE_HTTP_PASS
tls( is_set ) whether to use tls ie. https config: crate_http.tls.enable/FAXE_CRATE_TLS_ENABLE
database( string ) database/schema name 'doc'
table( string ) database tablename
db_fields( string_list ) db fieldnames (mapping for faxe fieldname to table field names), since 1.0.13: If not given, fields will be determined automatically undefined (since 1.0.13)
faxe_fields( string_list ) faxe fieldnames (mapping for faxe fieldname to table field names), since 1.0.13: If not given, fields will be determined automatically undefined (since 1.0.13)
remaining_fields_as( string ) if given inserts all fields not in faxe_fields into the given field, which must be of type 'object' undefined
max_retries( integer ) max retry attempts after INSERT statement fails 3
use_flow_ack( boolean ) only in combination with a amqp_consume node, message will only be acknowledged to the amqp broker, when it is written to crate db false
deduplicate( boolean ) whether to perform data deduplication true
pg_port( integer ) since v 1.3 overwrite the port used for the separate postgre connection config: crate.port/FAXE_CRATE_PORT
pg_user( string ) since v 1.3 overwrite the username used for the separate postgre connection config: crate.user/FAXE_CRATE_USER
pg_pass( string ) since v 1.3 overwrite the password used for the separate postgre connection config: crate.pass/FAXE_CRATE_PASS
pg_tls( boolean ) since v 1.3 overwrite the use of tls for the separate postgre connection, whether to use tls config: crate.tls.enable/FAXE_CRATE_TLS_ENABLE


This is a special mode that only has effect in combination with an amqp_consume node with the same setting (.use_flow_ack(true)). If this mode is enabled, messages consumed from an amqp broker will only be acknowledged after they are written to crate db. For normal errors (4xx) max_retries will be used, but for 5xx errors requests will be retried forever (until the problem on the CrateDB side is solved). There is an ENV setting and an API endpoint with which we can define rules to ignore such 5xx errors avoiding infinite retries for those.

For a faxe-wide setting there is a special ENV variable used: FAXE_AMQP_FLOW_ACK_ENABLE=on, so you do not set this manually inside a flow script normally.



message rule: takes effect, if message is part of the response text from CrateDB

code rule: takes effect, if the response error code matches code

Multiple message and code rules can be used