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The crate_query node

Query the CRATE database for time series data. This node is experimental.

The select statement will be executed periodically according to the every parameter. Each time the database is queried, the timestamps will be set according to period.

Queries must start with the keyword select/SELECT or with/WITH and must contain the keyword from/FROM to be valid.


 def host = ''
 def port = 5433 

 %% to escape single quotes (') we use double single quotes ('')
 def query = '
 avg(data_obj[''x''][''cur'']) AS x_cur, avg(data_obj[''y''][''cur'']) AS y_cur,
 avg(data_obj[''z''][''cur'']) AS z_cur, avg(data_obj[''yaw''][''cur'']) AS yaw_cur,
 avg(data_obj[''pitch''][''cur'']) AS pitch_cur
  FROM robotplc_parted;

 def s =

The above example will execute the query every 15 seconds. It gets data which is in the timerange now -30 minutes and now.


Parameter Description Default
host( string ) CrateDB host config:
port( integer ) CrateDB port config: crate.port/FAXE_CRATE_PORT
tls( boolean ) whether to use tls config: crate.tls.enable/FAXE_CRATE_TLS_ENABLE
user( string ) username config: crate.user/FAXE_CRATE_USER
pass( string ) password config: crate.pass/FAXE_CRATE_PASS
database( string ) Database name config: crate.database/FAXE_CRATE_DATABASE
query( string text ) 'SELECT-FROM' query clause
time_field( string ) name of the timefield to use 'ts'
every( duration ) time between query execution 5s
period( duration ) time span of data to query 1h
align( is_set ) whether to align period to full every durations false (not set)
group_by_time( duration ) group the aggregations into time buckets 2m
group_by( string_list ) additional group by []
limit( string ) LIMIT statement '30'