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The mongo_query node


Since 0.15.2

Read data from MongoDB.

Database, collection and selector (query) can be specified by the user.

The mongo_query node will always output data_batch items at the moment, even if there is only 1 result document.

Note: Faxe is not optimized for heavy batch processing, it is rather designed for massive concurrent stream processing. If you want to process more than a few thousand rows at a time, maybe faxe is not the right tool for your job.


def host = 'localhost'

.query(' {"item": "canvas"} ')

Every 5 seconds query mongo db on database test and collection inventory for documents, that have "canvas" as their values for the "item" field. Sets root field to 'data'.

def host = 'localhost'


.query(' {"size.h": {"$gt": 16}} ') 

Every time a dataitem arrives at this node, from outside, it will query mongodb for documents that have a
nested h field inside a size object, that has a value greater than 16. The node will query mongodb every 7 seconds, triggered by data coming in from the value_emitter node.


Parameter Description Default
host ( string ) host name or ip address
port ( integer ) 27017
user ( string) username
pass ( string ) the users password
database ( string ) mongo database name
collection ( string ) mongo collection name in database database
query ( string ) a valid mongo selector as a json string {}
every ( duration ) read interval 5s
align ( is_set ) whether to align the every parameter false (not set)
as set the root path for outputs undefined