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The win_event node

A window node is for batching data_points, therefore all window nodes will output data_batch items.

This window holds period number of data_points and emits every every incoming point.

With fill_period given, the window will only emit when it is filled with period points. This only applies if the period is greater than the every value.



The window will emit it's contents every 5 incoming points, but only after the window is filled with 15 points.


The window will emit it's contents every 5 incoming points. On first emit 5 points will be outputted, on the second emit 10 points will be emitted. From the third emit onwards, the window will output 15 points. Starting with the 4th emit, the window will output 15 data_points - with 10 old and 5 new points (Sliding window).


Parameter Description Default
period( integer ) Window length, number of points defaults to every (tumbling window)
every( integer ) Output window contents every n incoming points
fill_period( is_set ) Output only when window is filled false (not set)