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The state_change node

Computes the duration and count of points of a given state. The state is defined via a lambda expression.

For each consecutive point for which the expression evaluates as true, state count and duration will be incremented.

This node can be used to track state in data and produce new data based on the state-events. It can produce new data-points every time the state is entered and/or left.

The enter data-point

If the .enter() option is set, a new data-point will be emitted on state-enter. The new data-point will have a field, named with the .enter_as() option, set to 1. This fieldname defaults to state_entered.

new since 0.19.51: state_id, uuid v4 is created on every state entry

The leave data-point

If the .leave() option is set, a new data-point will be emitted on state-leave. Fields for this data-point:

Name Description
state_left stateflag, set to 1
state_start_ts timestamp at which the state has been entered
state_end_ts timestamp at which the state-expression has been satisfied the last time
state_duration duration of the state in milliseconds
state_count number of points, the number of consecutive data-points for which the state-expression returned true
state_id new since 0.19.51, uuid v4 is created on every state-enter action

When the lambda expression generates an error during evaluation, the current point is discarded and does not affect any calculations.

Note that while state-count is 1, state-duration will be 0, if there is exactly 1 data-point within the state-window.


%% the lambda defines our state    
|state_change(lambda: "val" < 7 AND "err" != 0)
%% the node will emit a data-point on state-leave only
%% we keep these fields for the new state-leave data-point
.leave_keep('err', 'err_code')

Example output in json:

    "ts": 1232154654655, 
    "err": 1, "err_code": 1492, "state_left": 1, "state_id" : "07aae050-9d30-4570-989d-74f5f21d52bf",
    "state_start_ts": 1232154644655, "state_end_ts" : 1232154654655,
    "state_duration": 10000, "state_count": 22

%% the lambda defines our state    
|state_change(lambda: "val" > 2 OR "err" == 1)
%% the node will emit a data-point on state-enter
%% the node will emit a data-point on state-leave
%% we keep these fields for the new state-enter data-point
.enter_keep('err', 'err_code')
%% we keep these fields for the new state-leave data-point
.leave_keep('err', 'err_code')
%% prefix all fields written by this node with 'my_'

Example output in json for the enter data-point:

    "ts": 1232154654655, "state_id": "07aae050-9d30-4570-989d-74f5f21d52bf", 
    "err": 1, "err_code": 1492, "my_state_entered": 1


Parameter Description Default
[node] lambda( lambda ) state lambda expression
enter( is_set ) emit a datapoint on state-enter undefined
leave( is_set ) emit a datapoint on state-leave undefined
enter_as( string ) name for the "enter" field, it will be set to true 'state_entered'
leave_as( string ) name for the "leave" field, it will be set to true 'state_left'
state_id_as( string ) since 0.19.51: name for the "state_id" field, 'state_id'
enter_keep( string_list ) a list of fieldnames that should be kept for the enter data-point []
leave_keep( string_list ) a list of fieldnames that should be kept for the leave data-point []
prefix( string ) prefix fields added by this node with a string (keep-fields stay untouched) '' (empty string)

At least one of the enter | leave options must be given.