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The array_explode node

Given a data_point with one or more array fields, create and emit one new data_point for every entry in the array(s).

If more than 1 array field is used, then the arrays must have to be of the same size, otherwise the mapping will fail. Any field not found in an incoming data-point, will just be ignored.

For every point created out of the array(s) a time offset will be added to the previous point timestamp, starting with the timestamp of the original data_point for the first resulting data-point.


    '{"motor": {"drive": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]}, 
    "torque": [6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5], 
    "zip": [4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3]}'

.fields('', 'zip')
.as('data.ex_drive', 'data.ex_zip')

On every emit of the json_emitter node, the array_explode node will produce 10 (length of the arrays) new data-items with 2 values: data.ex_drive (with one value from and data.ex_zip (with a value from the zip field).


Parameter Description Default
fields( string_list ) names of the fields used for each computation
as( string_list ) list of output field names according to fields, defaults to the values of fields undefined
time_offset( duration ) 1s
keep( string_list ) list of field-names, that should be kept from the original data-point undefined